Feb 5, 2018
Another month another recommendations list, where I talk about
my five best reads/listens/watches of game dev goodness of this
month and why they should be checked out by you the gaming
The Art of Shadow of Colossus: www.gamasutra.com/blogs/FredericFo…Introduction.php
Nathan Scott: Brothers: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI3O0ItUm0g
99% Invisible 292: 99percentinvisible.org/episode/speec…cott-mccloud/
Dev Game Club 084: devgameclub.libsyn.com/
How Splatoon Encourages Movement: 80.lv/articles/splatoon-2-ho…t-encourages-movement/
Gamerborn: gamerborn.co.uk/?affiliate=fc2213…c554571fbd180e1c8
Coupon Code: LevelDesignLobby
Twitter: twitter.com/MaxPears
Website: www.maxpears.com/
Email: leveldesignlobby@gmail.com
iTunes: goo.gl/RDWSmX
YouTube: goo.gl/2pdpjg
SoundCloud: goo.gl/9pb4DW