Sep 26, 2023
Welcome to my 2023 talk on the level design process I went
through, who I worked with, and the challenges we faced while
developing the quest 'Chippin'In'. I breakdown, my personal design
process I went through while making the level of Ebunike.
Let's Design...
Sep 12, 2023
Sharing my talk which I gave out in Norway back in Konsoll 2021.
The topic I focus on is on how we can help guide players through
our levels using spatial communication. As it allows players to
build up their own mental map of our levels.
Let's Design...
Sep 5, 2023
It is a new month for the podcast, which means a whole bunch of
new incredible resources for us to check out and enjoy. I hope you
enjoy it.
Let's Design Books
Ebook -
Physical Books -