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Level Design Lobby

Dec 15, 2021

It is part two of our mini-series with the incredible Mike Gonthier, level designer at Riot Games. He re-joins us to talk more about his experience and his approach to crafting levels. 
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LDL - Store Store -

Dec 8, 2021

Today's guest is the experienced Mike Gonthier Level Designer at Riot games who breaks down his career as well tips that has helped to guide him through his career which you can apply to your own. 
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LDL - Store Store -

Dec 1, 2021

Joined by the extremely humble and ever-energetic Willem Kranendonk Level Designer over at Zynga. We talk about his design process as well as his work on Knockout City. 
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Game Texutres

Nov 23, 2021

Joined by a good friend and great designer Liam Edwards as we talk about his career path as well as designing for video games and our train of thought as we design.

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witter -

Nov 16, 2021

I was inspired to create this episode because of the great video by Mr Steve Lee -

As he discusses his thoughts on how portfolios and tech have changed the way aspiring LDs apply for work. I decided I would add my two cents to this and hopefully have some helpful suggestions. 

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